1. I wrinkle my nose when I laugh. Sadly, the evidence of this has become a permanent part of my face.
2. I don’t like sushi.
3. I have, at various times, had red, blonde, black, brown and burgundy hair. Currently, I am a brunette.
4. When I was younger, I used to say ‘No husbands, no children, no pets, no plants.’ I have all but the children.
5.I can't go to the movies without ordering popcorn with butter on it. Lots of butter on it.
6. I have a scar on my chin, one on each knee, one on my calf, one on my eyebrow, in both of my eyes, one on my butt cheek and one on the small of my back.
7. As a general rule, I am not a fan of romantic comedies.
8. I have amassed a good-sized collection of dead bugs.
9. Although I am pretty good at it, I dread public speaking.
10. I just got a new kitty named Snowpea.

I tag Ria at My Mommy Manual, Julie at Bricolage, Sparrow Salvage, Millie Motts and Beverly at La Paperie & Cozy.